7 Signs of a Good Recruiter Every Company Should Look at

The job of a recruiter doesn’t only mean hiring a good-fit candidate for a company. In reality, this job has multiple challenges, angles, and aspects. Today, I will share seven signs of a good recruiter. 

1.Ready to Adopt and Improve

Up and downs are part of life; the same goes for the recruitment job. No matter how hard you do the screening interview and what steps you follow, sometimes you end up with a lousy candidate who became a reason for a toxic workplace

For a good recruiter, there is no such thing as a bad experience. He is one who is ready to improve. Mistakes can happen, but he won’t hold himself back. Instead, he would bring improvement in his recruitment process, so in future nothing goes out of hand.


2. Keeping an Eye on Future

A significant difference between an excellent recruiter and a successful one is that the recruitment process is ongoing for the latter one. In simple words, he doesn’t start hiring and looking for candidates when there is a new job openings

signs of good recruiter

That means, he doesn’t stop looking for a good fit. He is the one who keeps his eye on the candidates, their skills, and related aspects. That’s why he can grab a list of potential candidates who would prove useful in the future hiring process.

His future insight helps him quickly find a match.

3. Handling a Hiring Manager Well

Another sign of a good recruiter is that he is good at dealing not only with candidates but also with hiring managers. Every hiring manager has a different style and prospect. The disagreement between recruiters and hiring managers regarding selection and strategy is not a new thing.

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However, not every recruiter likes it when a hiring manager disagrees. Because most of them believe in “My Way or High-Way.” However, when we talk about a good recruiter, then he is quite flexible. He knows how to set a middle ground to achieve mutual understanding.

4. Building a Good Relationship

The more significant challenge of a recruiter's job is to reject an employee. He is unable to hire every candidate for the job. So, once he selects one, then he has to inform others about this fact. Some recruiters don’t even bother to send a rejection response, while others carry a straight-forward message.

But, when we talk about a good recruiter, then he is the one who empathizes with his candidates. He breaks the rejection news in a neutral tone, so the candidate doesn’t feel heartbroken or bad for losing an excellent job opportunity.

On the other hand, a successful recruiter is ready to walk the extra mile. He doesn’t only send an email alert to notify rejection but also highlights some other opportunities where a person can apply.

The purpose of taking into consideration the feeling and reaction of a candidate helps the recruiter to establish a relationship with the potential candidate. In the future, when they need more applications, then they call those candidates who would always like to send their applications.

5. Good Sense of Empathy

Another sign of a good recruiter is that he put himself in the shoes of another person to get a clear picture and angle of a matter in hand. For example, when a hiring manager contradicts his selection strategy or screening process, then he doesn’t just go mad at him. Instead, he evaluates what is put on the table by a hiring manager.

In the same manner, when a person rejects his job offer, then he doesn’t respond poorly. Instead, he connects to him in a way that the door will remain open.

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6. Wearing Multiple Hats

A good recruiter is ready to wear multiple hats. Recruiters who aren’t prepared to do anything outside their job description can never experience success in their life. The reason is that they are not as flexible as they should be.

Qualities of a good Recruiter

Every day, a recruiter has to interact with many people. Sometimes, he works as a brand ambassador for his company; other times, he transforms into a marketing manager. To attract top talent for a company, a recruiter might have to work as a salesperson on behalf of an organization. 

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As soon as he interacts with a potential candidate, then he doesn’t only look at his resume. Instead, a good recruiter turns into a psychologist who probes into the behavior and pays attention to the warning signs. Through behavioral interview questions, he can identify the strength and weaknesses of a candidate.

7. Keeping an Open Mind

Recruiters are the ones who have to deal with a wide variety of people in their lives. They have to face challenges of workplace diversity, as every person on the job comes up with his idea based on his culture, race, and gender. 

The duty of a recruiter isn’t just to hire the best employee for a company, but his job is to find one who can adjust to the company’s culture. 


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