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15 Most Common Informational Interview Questions

An informational Interview offers you a chance to inquire about a job role and know about some things that help you get the same Job effortlessly. This interview is useful for a fresh graduate who wants to get an idea of what Job would be suitable for him. Some people decide to change their career for their lives. They are either not satisfied with their current Job or plan to strive for a career that helps them earn more. No matter the primary purpose of an interview question, you will have to know how to make the most of this interview. I'm going to share the most common informational interview questions. 

common informational interview questions and purpose

What Does an Informational Interview Mean?

You have often heard about this type of interview; it's time to get an idea of what precisely this interview is.

An informational interview is a meeting in which a person tries to learn about the real-life experience of someone working on a job or company he is interested in. 

Understand the Main Purpose of an Informational Interview

Keep in mind; an informational interview is not a job interview. This interview aims to grab complete details of a job, position, company, etc. You try to learn the career path. This learning helps you decide whether a specific career choice is right for you or not.

How to Ask for an Informational Interview 

If you are interested in a particular job or industry, contact a person who is doing a job you're interested in. How to contact? Simple, tap on LinkedIn, and send a connect request by explaining that you want to know more about his Job. Once you get connected, don't immediately ask for an informational interview. Instead, you would try to appear on his notifications feed by commenting and liking his post. Do it smartly, and don't overdo it to irritate someone. 

Use This Email Template For Asking About an Informational Interview 

Why won't Professionals say no to an Informational Interview?

People like to talk about themselves; when you ask them about an informational interview, 8 out of 10 people would say "Yes." The purpose is to ask about their career journey, and they would be happy to share how they reached a specific job. What they did over time and how they got there. So, they won't mind opening up to you. 

Besides, professionals like to expand their professional network. If their story can help you with your career path, they would be more than happy to share.

15 Most Common Informational Interview Questions to Ask

Once a professional agrees to appear in an informational interview, the next thing you need to do is to prepare some questions. Here is a list of the most frequently asked questions during an informational interview. Check them out.

Question No.1 How did you land at this Job?

The reason for asking this question is to get an idea about a career path. That person might have started from an internship, and then an entry-level job takes him to reach this position. As you plan to move on the same path, his story will help you understand what steps you can take.

You will LEARN About Career Path.

Question 2-How Every-day looks like in this Job?

The purpose of asking this question is to know more about job descriptions. You can read a job description online. However, a person who is handling all the tasks all day long can tell you what a typical day feels like. What Job duties he handles, and what are routine situations to encounter. So, you have a clear picture of a routine day in the life of a professional.

How to Answer Interview Question: What Makes Your Unique

During his story, a professional might reveal that his Job doesn't get over during work hours, and he might take work home. So, if you are a person who doesn't like working overtime, this statement is an eye-opener. In case you are not up for such a big responsibility, you better start looking for a career that doesn't require 11 hours of work or overtime at all. Your career choice depends on what you can or can't handle. Thereby, you better grasp some details about a routine workday.

You will LEARN about Job Duties.

Question 3- What Skills are required for this Job?

Every Job requires a specific skill set. As you plan to land the same Job in the industry, you need to learn from another professional's experience. Try to know what skills have helped him on this job, what's a must, and what you can overlook.

That professional won't mind telling you what skills help him excel in his career. This learning would let you work on the same skills and get hired for them.

You will learn all about Job-Specific Skills.

Question 4- What do you enjoy the most about this Job?

The purpose of this question is to see what are good things about this Job. If a professional doesn't feel right about anything, that means they have zero perks and benefits. Typically, job bonuses, perks, and rewards make a job more attractive. You may get surprised by the answer. For example, a company might have special perks and employment plans about which you have little ideas as an outsider. However, an insider can tell you what makes Job in that specific industry more worthwhile.

You will learn about hidden benefits, perks, and useful aspects of a job.

Question 5- What kind of projects are you mostly working on?

The most satisfying Job is one where a person gets a chance to work on various projects. If there are little or no projects, it means less change. Employees get bored when he doesn't have anything exciting. If you are a person who likes challenges every other day, you might think of following another career path.

You will learn more about whether a job is tedious or not.

Question 6-What things you hate about a job?

Before entering any career, you better see every good and bad side of a job. The purpose of asking this question is to take a 360 view of a job. This evaluation would help you decide whether you can adjust to the dark side of a job or not. 

A professional won't mind sharing negative aspects of a job because he would set a clear picture in front of you -so you can make an informed decision.

You will learn about the negative aspects of a job.

Question 7-Where do you see yourself in 5 or 10-years?

A good job is undoubtedly the one with growth and development. If a person thinks that he would be handling the same task over five years in a company, it's a red flag. You can't be a part of a company where growth chances are minimal.

You will learn about a glimpse of future and career growth.

Know the Difference between Career Growth and Development 

Question 8- What do you wish that you'd known at the time of starting this career?

It's the most critical informational interview question. Every professional knows about his mistakes that might come to slow career growth. Once he started working, he got a clear idea about things that he might have done and got better job opportunities. Instead of making the same mistake as that person, you can do something different. Ask about his regrets or mistakes and try to learn from experience.

You will learn about things that you can do or avoid to perform better on a job.

How to Answer Interview Question: What You are Passionate About?

Question 9-What are the biggest challenges of this Job?

Every Job has specific challenges, and only a professional doing the Job can tell you what these challenges are. You should know what you are getting into. It's like knowing the tough things of professional life. Getting to know these things will help you blend better in the workplace once you get the Job.

You will learn about challenges and can easily overcome them knowingly.

Question 10- What experience did you prepare for a job?

Every Job requires some sort of experience. If you are a fresh graduate, it's vital to know all about those experiences. It's one of the most asked informational interview questions. Information you gather from the question would help you set up your experience path. You would know what tasks would help you refine your experience. 

You will learn all about the experience you need for a job.

Question 11- What's the hiring process?

As you are interested in working for the same company, you better understand how all that would work. An insider can tell you whether a useful reference can prove helpful or are there any walk-in interview cases.  He may provide some tips and tricks to get hired for a similar job in the company. If you are lucky, you might get information about the hiring manager and his tactics like what he wants to see and what traits can make you a best-fit for a job.

recruitement process what to ask in an informational interview

You will learn about the recruitment process, some tips, and tricks.

Question 12- Does your company hire interns?

When you plan to become a part of the company and be interested in being there, you should get internship information. If the answer is yes, you can tell him what's the way to become one. You can easily set your foot in the door by asking this smart question.

You will learn about internship opportunities or might avail one.

Question 13- What kind of work samples would help me build a strong portfolio for this career?

Portfolio matters the most on every Job. The purpose of this informational job interview to know what specific samples would do the magic. A professional might tell you what kinds of samples would help you get the attention of this particular company.

You will learn all about persuasive job-specific samples. 

Question 14-Who else you recommend I should talk with about this job interview?

It is one of the essential informational interview questions. It would help if you didn't forget to ask it. The purpose is to get a new contact who can help you better understand a job. That person might be a valuable resource. The answer would help you expand your network.

You will learn about a valuable asset of a company.

Question 15- Did I forget to ask an important question about your career or job role?

No matter how well you prepare a questionnaire, sometimes you miss the essential details. Don't be shy; ask from that professional what you forget to ask. This kind of question would unlock some other details that might surprise you. So, go and ask.

You will learn about the vital detail of a job.

Things to Do after Informational Interview

You have asked all the vital questions and get some answers. You can record answers, but first, ask that person that you are going to do that.

Evaluate your Career Choice

As you have a clear picture of a specific career, it's easy to decide whether you can work on the same job or not. Besides, you know what skills, experiences, and portfolio would help you achieve your career goal. You know where to start a specific career and how you would reach one particular point on your career ladder.

Send a Thank You Note

A professional has shared his work-life experiences and stories; he has quickly helped you embark on your professional journey. It would be best if you thanked him. Send a hand-written thank-you note by saying that:

 you enjoy this interview and gather all vital information to move on your career path quickly. You can't thank him enough for this help. 

Stay Connected

Never ghost a professional after an informational interview. If you do that, you will paint the picture of a selfish person on his mind. That's not what you want. Keep the relationship alive by sharing his posts and commenting. 

Plan another Interview

If you have got a contact detail, plan another informational interview. A second opinion on the same Job and industry helps you decide well. On the flip side, use this information, take the right decision, and start working on your career path.

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