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15 Common Misconceptions About CV.

Do you feel that your CV is not getting you as many job interviews as it should? Does the recruitment process in Poland seem hard for you? Are you confused about the specific CV standards that the Polish job market demands? If you are facing all these troubles, you need to focus on what works in today’s CVs. Adding to their compatibility with the European job market, here are 15 misconceptions about polish CVs that you need to pay attention to.

CVs in Poland:

CVs in poland

The majority of CVs in Poland are written in Polish. Foreign applicants have to provide two versions of their CVs, one in Polish and the second in the applicant’s language or inEnglish. Polish CVs are usually a single document. It is recommended to use a double column document in case of having more details. CVs are not only required when it comes to looking for a job. Even applicants for seasonal jobs and internships are supposed to submit a CV meeting the requirements. Recently after the pandemic, the job market has become more welcoming. Applicants, be it from Poland or overseas, have to customize their CVs to the standards. Fratres is a worldwide job portal that includes recent tips about employment. If you are interested in the recent opportunities, sign up to Fratres

  1. Random CV formatting.

What is the suitable CV format in Poland? A CV should reflect a specific format that meets the following conditions. It's about making your CV readable, from the general structure to the choice of fonts (arial or verdana). In addition, it is important to submit your CV in PDF format, and not a word CV or a CV doc, which are not ATS software friendly. The trend now is to send applications through emails, that’s why it is essential to submit a suitable CV format, and not go into unusual formats.

2. Any CV template Works 

Selecting a CV template will grab the recruiters’ attention and encourage them to meet you in a job interview. The recruiter will spend a few seconds on a CV. It is therefore essential to have a professional CV with a simple presentation.  The free professional CV templates are available with different colors and samples online. In general, these blank templates play on the form (frames, logos, etc.) to attract attention. Recruiters and ATS software do not encourage the multiple colors in a CV.

3. Think in professional terms:

Creating a professional CV requires a minimum of personal preferences. The content of the CV includes bold titles and examples of main accomplishments for experienced applicants. Candidates are excluded with generalities, empty sentences, like “Leader in his sector” or “Team leader. A CV should be specific, including keywords relevant to the chosen position. Take a look at, Seven Various Ways to Do Job Interviews

4.Personal and Contact Information:

At the top of every CV candidates have to list personal and contact information to identify themselves. Although this section seems plain and less demanding, some recruiters turn off the candidacy of many applicants who don’t share the exact personal information. Depending on the position, an applicant should include:

  • Name
  • Phone number
  • Email
  • Date of birth
  • Marital status

A candidate should also avoid discriminating elements such as nationality, gender and place of residence.

5. A Detailed Profile

A profile is a short summary that helps recruiters know the basic information of the candidate. It provides a quick description of the applicants’ professional and academic backgrounds including some skills and personal qualities.

6. Work Experience

This section can be replaced by internship or training in case of being an entry-level applicant. The list of the previous job titles should be reordered from the recent job to the oldest. Experienced applicants should exclude temporary and seasonal jobs. This section should also include the period of employment and place of occupation, including a list of the main tasks.

7. Education:

This section introduces your field of expertise. You cannot apply for a job in the medical sector without having a valid qualification in the field. If you have a foreign degree, explain and provide its equivalent degree in the Polish education system.

8. Non Selling Skills:

essential keywords in a CV

 What really matters in a job application is having the necessary skills required for the job. As an applicant, you should avoid generalities and personal qualities such as "Excellent interpersonal skills" "Good communication" "Scientific spirit" “teamwork” etc... Be specific by classifying these skills in terms of abilities and knowledge such as IT skills, languages, and  include details and descriptions related to these skills.

9. Professional ups and downs:

Recruiters hate CVs that often hide an accident in your career path such as, non-validated training, technician without experience in the field, health problems, unemployment, stormy break with the previous company etc… CVs should not be too perfect to impress.

10.  Keyword optimization in your CV

Many companies use computer software to make an initial screening of CVs. It is therefore important to reproduce the exact title of the positions and the exact professional description in the body of the text.

11 Links are not important:

Your Linkedin profile is your online professional CV. Many candidates neglect their presence on professional social networks. A Linkedin profile with optimized writing can attract you to often unexpected job offers. Remember to put a recent and professional quality photo, so your Linkedin profile will be seen by potential recruiters and coworkers.

12. A CV is useful at every application

A CV is not a passport document. A CV doesn’t land you a job and any field. You should always customize your CV and tailor it to the requirements.

13. Edit your CV

Checking the spelling and grammar mistakes of your CV is essential. A mistake in the content can decrease the chances of being selected,  especially in a manager's CV or a senior executive CV. As much as this may pass for certain professions, the written language is essential in Poland.

14. Include Achievements:

achievements in CV

 It is essential to demonstrate that you are an active applicant. Introduce any proof of professional appreciation and contribution. If you don’t have any achievement, try to join associations and any collaborative organizations that reflect your energy.

15. Online Application:

When applying for a job, include in the subject line the job title. Don’t directly attach your CV and cover letter in an empty email. Write a few lines about your candidacy and specify the type of documents attached with your CV.

These were the top 15 misconceptions about CVs. Remember that CVs should be written in Polish and provided in another language.


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