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  • 11 First Job Interview Tips to Land on a Job Right Away

11 First Job Interview Tips to Land on a Job Right Away

A first job interview is always nerve-wracking. You sweat a lot. It's hard to sleep at night. You wake up multiple times in the night only to check the time.

It's pretty standard. We all have gone through the same level of stress at a career start-up. I want to make your first job interview experience unforgettable rather embarrassing for you. Thereby, I'm unlocking some first job interview tips. 

By following these tips, you will land a job by winning the heart of the recruiter. '

A positive note: You have got an interview call. Smile for at least five minutes. Why?

Many people keep applying and don't get what they got. Please feel blessed and start unraveling tips that you need to follow for your first job interview.


1.Know Everything about the Company

The worst thing a first job interviewee does is attending an interview unprepared. No matter if you get one day or two hours before the interview, please complete your home. What does it mean?

Well, you need to know the fundamental aspects of the company. For example, when it started, what's the significant achievements of this company? What are they offering? Don't forget to check the company's website. Read the Mission statement. Try to find out the central vision. 

Check the company's profile on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. Explore recent posts and news. If you get some more time, dig deeper and check information about the recruiter you are about to meet.

It's vital to do all that because the hiring manager will ask you about the company. The most common interview question "Why do you want to work here?"

Or What you know about us?

If you won't do any research, it means you will have to act surprised or, in the worst scenario, give a generic or baseless answer. Either way, it will count as a negative score. 

You might have prepared job-specific interview questions where you shine like a bright sun. No preparation and homework will put all that effort down the drain. 

2.Show Your Passions

As a fresher, you might not have experience as a bargaining chip. What you have is your passion for learning, thereby presenting it in the best manner available. 

first job interview tips show job passion

When you talk about jobs and duties, ensure that the interviewer gets the whole idea of the work. 

Your energy shouldn't go down while talking to your interviewer. Make sure you are well-rested. If you are going to an interview, tired means ending up with a bad interview. If you are doing some work or a part-time job, consider getting one day off from work. 

On that off-day, do some preparation like ironing your dress, making resume copies, and trying a demo with a friend.

3. Do Mirror Practice

Don't have time for mock interviews. It's okay. Stand in front of a mirror and practice your job interview. Look and analyze yourself from every angle. This kind of practice helps you understand where you are lacking and what your strengths are. If a word or line doesn't sound okay, you can change it right away.

4.Make Your First Impression

Try to get an idea of company attire from its official website. Many times employees post updates, and you can check their outfits on social media. It's better to follow them there.

The reason for getting this idea is to choose an attire that lets you blend in with the company's culture quickly. Maybe employees prefer casual clothing, and you going there with formal clothing might not be regarded as a perfect fit.

Dress isn't the only thing that will leave the first impression. Other things are your body language.

The way you talk, the way you smile, the way you listen, etc.

Everything matters in the interview.

dress to impress first job interview tips

So, keep your Smile face on. But don't laugh or don't overreact. Keep your head high and sit tight. Don't feel too relaxed in your chair. A firm handshake with eye contact will make a big difference. 

Don't look around and never touch your phone during an interview- it's nothing but a deal-killer attitude. Try to avoid it at any cost.

Understand Employee Hiring Process in Canada

5.Be Punctual

Set a reminder on your smartphone so you don't miss the day and time of your interview. On the day of the interview, try to wake up two hours before. Have a good breakfast, don't go there empty stomach. You may have to wait for your turn, and starving yourself isn't a great idea. It would be best if you showcased your energy, and it won't be possible to set a good image with an empty stomach and thirsty mouth.

Please try to reach me twenty minutes before the interview. The reason to reach early is to get familiar with the office and take some time to catch your breath- which is impossible if you reach them just on time.

6.Prepare The best Answers 

Some people are overconfident. They think that they can answer any question. No matter how confident you are, it would help if you prepared some questions. Keep in mind that other candidates coming to attend this interview have done so at home.

Avoid 7 mistakes During a job interview in Canada

Interviewers might come up with stress interview questions- about which you have little to no idea. Imagine sitting there feeling pressured and confused. I know it's the worst-case scenario. 

It's suggested to prepare the best answers for skill-based, experience-related, job-specific questions. You can easily find a list of common interview questions. Also, you should be prepared for different types of interviews. Some managers prefer brain-teasing interview questions while others stick to normal format.

Getting to know all types helps you stay ready for all sorts of situations.

7.Prepare Questions for Recruiter

Five out of ten times, a candidate forgets to prepare a good question for the recruiter. Mistakes happen at your first job interview, you may not have any questions or don't like to ask any, but you should.

When a recruiter says 'Any question for me?". Smile and say yes, I wanted to know about your product, this specific department, this project, etc

Be ready with a question that shows the recruiter that a candidate has taken some time to research the company. It shows your preparation, dedication to the job, and interest. All those things score positive or good. 

8. Plan Good Exit

At the end of the interview, don't leave the chair and walk away. Shake his hand and Smile. Always say thank you for your time. Ask for a business card. 

9. Leave/Send Thank You Note

After your interview, don't forget to send a thank-you note to recruite's email address. This gesture will work in your favor. It will set the impression on your recruiter's mind that you have manners and care about relationships.

10.Read Resume and Cover letter.

Don't go to your first job interview without looking at your job resume and cover letter. Please give it a good read as the employer will ask some questions regarding both things. You don't know what he will ask. Maybe he wants to know about your volunteer experience. Maybe it's your degree or certification regarding which he has some concerns or clarification questions. 

Read: What to Say in Cover Letter? When you are unqualified for a job

11.Talk with Numbers

Adding statistics and numbers in your conversation makes a good impact. Let's suppose the recruiter asks questions about your part-time job. You can influence by saying that you have done a 20 percent cost cut or earned more than 20 percent extra commission than your colleagues because of your dedication and effort. Brag about your skills, but with numbers, and it will do the magic. Landing on your job after the interview will become super easy. Try this formula and nail your first job interview.


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